student writing final#1

Friendships in The Play a Midsummer’s Night Dream

By: Nick Sherrell

I am doing this analysis about the friendships in a midsummer’s night dream and this play has many friendships such as the ferries and the lovers. My first thought was that friendship didn’t need any magic but when you get into the story you realize Shakespeare just put those magical things in there to make it more entertaining for the audiences. The friendships in this play aren’t really real because the magic flower mutates them and thus they aren’t real. The friendships in this play all ties into the characters social status and that is like in real life epically in the renaissance time period.

The power of the magic and the work of the ferries aren’t very realistic. I thought a friendship included trust love and compassion this play shows you how fast it can go away and how you need to have trust to make it through with your friendships. It also gives you new ideas about what you should do when you and you’re friends are in a argument about anything because there all you got at times. Even the smallest things can start an argument such as you say one wrong thing or you do something wrong and that’s why I think nick bottom was in the play because he always keeps you on your toes and it shows you that one minute you can be on top of the world because you’re not who you act like but when you become yourself you’re stuck with your friends and then he realizes that his friends are all he has.

I still believe he is comic relief in the play but I think Shakespeare expressed aspects of his life in every character and I think his friendships were expressed in Nick Bottom such as the true friends and not being someone he is not and always being the most dedicated. Friendships to me aren’t truly expressed in this play as clearly as you would think I would’ve included more friendship battles but I guess Shakespeare was having more troubles with love then friendships. One aspect of friendships that isn’t included is true trust and I think the reason for this was all the magic it fake friendship and love. The difference between friendship and love is obviously lust. You usually don’t want to date your best friend. The worst friendships in this play is between the girls because they don’t have any trust

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