Reading Letter #3 2nd quat Hill Zhang

Book:  10 The Big One-Oh

By: Dean Pitchford

 This is book is about a boy’s birthday party kind stuff. The day Dad’s package came, I skateboarded home from school as usual. I could probably get home faster if i walked, because i always fall off my skatedboard about five hundred times on the way. I slid and skidded up our driveway and finally crashed on the front lawn, and then i let my dog Boing Boing out of the side yard where he sleeps and scratches himselfs all day.Boing Boing is a big mutt. i would never have named him or any dog Boing Boing , but he started out as mom’s dog, he sleeps in my bed, so he’s really more my dog now. That day Boing Boing flew out of the side yard gate like he always does, and he knocked me down with his wet kisses and huge paws. That’s why i didn’t hear Mrs.cleveland coming and why i jumped when she suddenlu snapped,” child ” Mrs.Cleveland is the plump, old m African-American lady who lives next door. She wears black sock with white tennis shoes and she spends her days walking up and down the block jiggling other people’s doorknobs and making sure that garages and mailboxes are firmly shut. My dad is a Mexican restaurant head chef, a really good one, my dad can cook anything, the place he work Scotland. At least that’s what he said when he left home three years ago. i try not to think about that day. i opened up the big. puffy envelope. inside wrapped in blue paper that said” Happy Birthday” all over was a flat parcel thar i figured out was supposed to be my birthday present. Four weeks early dad’s usually within a month or two. He never remebers my exact birth day, but that’s ok, i bet he’s got a lot on his mind. I immediately knew what was in the wrapping paper because dad always sends me the same present: two issues of Mosters G Maniacs. you have never heard of Mosters G Maniacs before? what planet did you grow up on? it’s only the freatest literature in the history of the world.

This book is really common like other kind books but still interesting, i like. my favorite part of the book is Mosters G Maniacs is a comic book all about zombies and vampires and madmen and stuff. its got demons like in issue 113: the gates of hell are under my bed, giant spiders issue 49: sixhairy legs and sixfeet tall. aliens issue 85 on my planet you’d be lunch and the occasional headless babysitter issue 136 what have you done whith my children. i loved them even before i could read the words, because the pictures wre just too cool. Then when we learned the alphabet in first i d runn home from school every day and practice reaging them, i like this because he is talking about the “Mosters G Maniacs” thing is very funny.

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