Reading Letter #4 2nd quater Hill Zhang

Book: 10 The Big One-Oh

By: Dean Pichford

This is the i’m still reading it. As soon as i read Dad’s words, my heart flipped over in my chest, My habd stated to shake, icouldfeel myself growing short of breath. because thinking about what people do on birthday-mine or anyone else’s-always makes me remember something thaat happened three and a half years ago, somthign that scarred me for life and still causes me to wake up screaming. I was invited to my first birthday party ever. i was six we had just moved onto Apple Core Circle Because my dad got hired to be the chef at nearby Wagon Wheel Family-Style Restaurant, dad and mom argued a lot where we lived befor. so i guess maybe they thought that a change of location might help them get along, or a new job would help, or somthing like that i didn’t pay a lot of attention then. Soon after we’d moved in i got invited to this kid Jamie birthday party , i’d never even met the guy. one day mom stopped to chat with his mother in the middle of picn save and the next thing i know, mom’s gushing, charley would love to come. she didn’t even consult me. When i pointed that out to mom the way home she laughed come on charley this’ll help you make some new friend.

2 thoughts on “Reading Letter #4 2nd quater Hill Zhang

  1. Hill,
    No offense or anything but this reading letter was not very clear. For being new to Greenwood, you’re getting the concept down, I just don’t think you’re applying it in your reflections. The biggest improvement I see are spelling and grammatical errors. Keep Workin’ at it Bud!

  2. Hill,
    This post confuses me. Is it the summary of the book or what? Work on explaining things better.
    Anna M.

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