Reading Letter 5 of 2Q- Kelley

Book: The Last Olympian

Pages: 381/381

Author: Rick Riordan

This book is about a half-human, half-greek god named Percy. In the beginning of the book, Percy and another demigod Beckendorf are sent on a mission to blow up a ship of monsters and succed. This ship belonged to Kronos, the antagonist Titan. Kronos is preparing to invade Olympus (palace of the gods), which is over the Empire State Building. Kronos’s plan is to destroy Olympus by gathering all the Titans and persuade them to go to war. The most dangerous of these is Typhon, who occupies all of the god and goddesses attention during most of the book. They try to kill him, but they’re just not able to take him down. Meanwhile Percy is organizing all of the demigods to fight against Kronos’s army to invade olympus. And the most important part of the book is that Percy has a prophecy made about him that says that when he turns 16, he will make a choice to save or destroy the world. So when Kronos’s army comes, all of the demigods hold them off for a day or two but ultimately Kronos gets to Olympus. And Typhon gets to New York when Poseidon,god of the sea, (he hadn’t been able to help before) emerges from a river and delivers the final blow that kills the monster. But Kronos is wrecking Olympus and is about to destroy the throne room when his alter personality, an old demigod named Luke, takes over and kills himself in order to save Olympus. But as for the prophecy, Percy decided whether to give Luke the knife to kill himself or not.

I really liked this book because it interested me in Greek mythology. This series is really easy to read and you just don’t want to put the book down. I also like the plot, it’s very in-depth and has a lot of things going on at once. I hope that the author makes another book, because it let off with kind of a cliffhanger about a new prophecy that could save or destroy the world. I really like these books and would recommend them to anybody.

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