Reading Letter #5-Jessie Ledesma

                      This week I’m reading the book Vampire Academy. I haven’t gotten very far into the book yet. Apparently there is a secret world of vampires and their servants that live in an academy until their servants now how to guard them. In this book, Rose, Lissa’s servant, helps them escape from the school and stay away from it for 2 years. But they have been caught and are sent back to the school, where they must learn about another vampire group that plans to kill them. They have cut from and social activities and Rose has to take extra classes if she wants to serve Lissa. The book is pretty good, but since I haven’t gotten very far, I cant tell if its going to be good.

                      I like the way the author wrote this book because the story is really simple. Every thing gets explained at some point and the book is an easy read. I can’t say much, or recommend this to anybody, so I don’t have much to write about.

4 thoughts on “Reading Letter #5-Jessie Ledesma

  1. Jessie,
    Good reading letter although I think you summary was long enough make your paragraph about how felt about the book bigger. Overall good job.

  2. Good job Jessie but you need to tell use the author of the book, how many pages, and also you need to tell us more about what you thought of the book. Overall good job.

  3. This was good except I would write more on the reflection and not indent as much but besides that very good.

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