Student Writing #4 Qtr. 2-Kelsey


By Kelsey

Christmas time is the best of all

When family comes from near and far.

Parties, songs, lots of gifts,

Silver bells that tinkle,

Christmas trees and ornaments,

Colorful lights that twinkle;

Relatives waiting with open arms

To smile and hug and kiss us;

These are some of the special joys

That comes along with Christmas.

Christmas eve is so exciting,

The tempting gifts are fascinating

About opening them, we are fantasizing,

All of the holiday foods are appetizing,

Our excitement and joy begin growing and rising,

And then before we know it….

Jolly Christmas fun we’re maximizing!

5 thoughts on “Student Writing #4 Qtr. 2-Kelsey

  1. Beautiful Kelsey, haha

    I actually enjoyed it. It was a good length, great use of vocabulary, and unique. I would not make any improvements to this piece.

    Great Job!


  2. This poem is really good, and it is true. You did good with spelling and grammar. This is a good Christmas story.

  3. Good Job Kelsey, you did a good job describing Christmas to us. I found no spelling Grammars. Good Job.


  4. Good poem Kelsey, I liked how you made every other one rhyme and correspond with each other. You used a wide variety of words which made a very good poem. Good job, Kelsey!

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