Reading Letter #4 Qtr. 3-Kelsey

Amazing Grace

By Megan Shull

Pages: 247/247

The book Amazing Grace, by Megan Shull is one of the best books I have read. It is more of a “girly” romantic love story kind of thing but it was really good. The book starts out with Grace “Ace” Kincaid, a teenage-tennis-sensation. She had been traveling for 3 months competing in tennis matches and modeling for Cover Girl, Nike, and Prada etc. She was at an interview when she broke down and decided she wanted to quit. She called her mom, bodyguard, and attorney and told them all that she was tired of traveling and being away from home and family. Grace escaped the paparazzi and luckily made it to her hotel where she got a completely new makeover, or “make under”.  She changed her hair, style and even got a nose ring. She was now known as Emily O’Brian.

Grace’s (Emily) mom brought a visitor with her to the hotel and her name was Ava Grady. She was a retired FBI agent and was going to be helping Grace stay under cover for as long as possible until the paparazzi died down. She was addressed as Aunt Ava. When Ava and Grace got to the airport, they flew across the United States for what seemed like forever only to land in a very small town in Alaska. Grace had to adjust to a whole new lifestyle but she learned how to make real friend, find the meaning of love and even learn valuable lessons through making mistakes. She made a new best friend named Fisher and found the boy of her dreams names Teague Denali.

Grace has many experiences and learns a lot about her family and a lot about Ava but most of all, a lot about herself. Grace spends over 3 months in Alaska but eventually the paparazzi find her, and she is forced to leave Alaska. But not before her life “goes from meaningless to meaningful.” She goes back to tennis but not to modeling and endorsing products. In Alaska, Grace began to discover her identity and what she values most and she will never lose those memories. I really enjoyed reading this book because it had good life lessons in it and it teaches the reader a lot about what really matters in life. Its not all about the fame and popularity but about carrying out your values and staying true to yourself. I loved this book.

2 thoughts on “Reading Letter #4 Qtr. 3-Kelsey

  1. Kelsey,
    This is a very good reading letter you gave a great summary about the book and gave good detail of your feelings about the book.

  2. Hey Kelsey! I thought that you did a good job. You had a very descriptive plot summary, and followed the format. Good job-Maddie

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