Reading Letter #3- Quarter 3- Anna T

Sara Sheppard

                        I finished the book Heartless, by Sara Sheppard. The ending was a lot different than I expected. It turns out they found out who killed Ali. It was a man named, Billy Ford. He was a worker at Ali’s house when they were building a gazebo. He was secretely attracted to her and he murdered her in the end. I think that they caught the wrong guy and he did not murder Ali, and her murderer is still out there. The evidence the police has doesn’t add up to what really happened, like how would he know all of the girls, (Aria, Spencer, Emily and Hanna) secrets? It was so out of the blue and unpredictable that it doesn’t really make sense. In this book, Spencer found out her she was born from a surrogate mother named, Olivia. She also found out that her mother was at Yale Law School, with her father and that’s where they met. But her mom dropped out because she became pregnant with Spencer’s sister, Melissa. The four girls were seperated for 1 week. During that week, they all came up with different people who they thought all killed Ali. When they came back from where they were, they were all forced to go to jail because the police were conviced the four girls, Ali’s best friends killed Ali.  At the very end of the book, another girl named, Jenna, gets murdered. Her murder will probably drag this series out for about another 2 or 3 books.

                  These books are very unrealistic but so good. The way the author writes makes sense and keeps the books interesting. This is my favorite series I have ever read. The characters in the book relate to people my age or in high school. The things they do and say are that of a typical high school aged girl. The secrets the girls have reinforced the idea that you don’t really know a person by just the way they act around you. There is a lot more going on in people’s lives than what might appear on the outside. I would reccommend them to anyone. I also think they would make great movies.

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