Reading Letter 3- Nikki- Sem2

Go Ask Alice



I have been reading the book, Go Ask Alice. This story is based upon a real girl’s diary and her life struggling with drugs and friends and family. Recently she was in her school and she was known for being in the “square” group with all the clean kids and doing great in school. She loved reading and her family. Her father got a new job so she had to move towns. Over the summer she went back to her original town to stay with her grandparents where all the “cool” kids invited her to a party. At this party, she was secretly given acid and took a trip. One of the boys at the party asked her on a date and they started )shooting themselves up with drugs and taking a variety of other drugs, too.

This book is really interesting and I can’t stop reading, because I love the fact that its all true and Non-Fiction. I am wondering if the girl will get severely sick or take an overdose or realize that it is wrong. Throughout the beginning, she seems very religous, so I wonder if she will try to seek God to make the right decisions. But I must keep reading to find out!

please comment! thanks~

3 thoughts on “Reading Letter 3- Nikki- Sem2

  1. Nikki,
    This book sounds very good! You wrote a great summary and I can tell you really put some thought into it. Good job.
    Anna M.

  2. Good job Nikki. This book sounds very interesting and sounds like something I would like to read. Maybe next time you could tell us more about what you thought about the book. Overall good job Nikki.

  3. Nikki
    Good job! You added lot’s of detail and did a good job on discribing the book. You had good spelling and grammar.

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