3rd quarter reading letter 6- robert

Book- Jackie Robinson

Author-Herb Dunn

Pages- 1 to 25

I started reading a biography on  the famous African-American baseball player Jackie Robinson. So far it has been really good. J ackie was born in Cairo, Georgia but grew up in Pasadena, California.  Jackie faced a lot of racism growing up.  His great – grandpa was a slave.  His father was Jerry Robinson.  He was a farmer who left when Jackie was a baby.  His mother was Mallie Robinson.  While Jackie was growing up people would scream the “n” word at him even though he was minding his own business.  In response, he would get mad and scream “cracker” at them or throw rocks at them.  Jackie had four siblings of whom he was the youngest.  His brothers and sisters were Edgar, Frank, Mack, and Willy Mae.  Jackie would often dream of being a athlete once he grew up.  He liked to imitate  athletes like Babe Ruth, golfers, and tennis players while he was doing his chores like sweeping the driveway. This is all I have read so far and I think it is a really good book.  I’m going to finish the rest of this book and I would recommend it to anyone.

One thought on “3rd quarter reading letter 6- robert

  1. Robert,
    Jackie Robinson was a truly outstanding athlete, but an even stronger man to deal with all of the things he had to deal with. Dealing with all of the racist comments and even the racists on his very own professional baseball team must have been very hard for him. Robinson was a very courageous man in my eyes.


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