Reading Letter 2 of 4thQ- Kelley

Book: Dangerous Beauty

Author: Mark C. Ross

Pages: 72/320

This book is an autobiography by an African Safari guide, Mark C. Ross. So far it’s a really good book, I like the writing style and the plot. It doesn’t seem so much like autobiography as it does a story. The author talks about his personal stories as a Safari guide, about the life and death he has seen in Africa. The book is written in a way where there is one main story, and there are a bunch of smaller stories along the way. The main story is about a married couple that he is leading on a safari. They have gone to see mountain gorillas and lions and cheetahs, but the most recent event is where they have been robbed and possibly killed by an armed man. The story left off with a cliffhanger on this happening, because the author didn’t tell what happened next. That makes me really want to keep reading.
I like this book a lot for several different things. I like how the author has written the book, the style just keeps you from putting the book down. I also think the author’s life is really interesting, which makes for an interesting autobiography. Another thing that makes me want to keep reading is some of the cliffhangers he includes, such as the major one with the robbery. I am liking this book a lot and would recommend it to anybody.

2 thoughts on “Reading Letter 2 of 4thQ- Kelley

  1. Kelley, this book sounds really good! You had good gammar and punctuation and you had a good detailed summary!

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