4th Quarter Reading Letter #1- Sean

Book- The Uglies

Author- Scott Westerfield

Pages- 426/426

Uglies was an excellent book. It is about a girl named Tally, who lives in a town where whenever you turn 16, you get a procedure done that turns you beautiful. But there is a down-side to this; it also takes aways some of your smarts, feelings, and what makes you different. Tally is very excited for her 16th birthday, which is coming up soon. Tally soon meets a girl named Shay, who is also about to turn 16. Shay does not want the procedure done, and wants to run away to a near-by town just the night before her birthday, so she doesn’t have to get it done. Shay tries to convince Tally to do this, but Tally refuses.

This is all I have read yet, but so far it is really good! I like how the author uses a lot of detail. I love the plot in this book! The town in the story seems really superficial because everyone is pretty and everyone thinks alike. That town would be pretty boring after a while. I really like the character Shay because she tries to convince Tally that fitting in with everyone else, and being gorgeous is not the thing to do. I hope Tally finally decides to run away with Shay in the end. I wonder what Tally will do next, and if she does decide to go away, what the new town will be like. I am very excited to read the rest. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes stories that keep you coming back for more and leave you on the edge of your seat.

One thought on “4th Quarter Reading Letter #1- Sean

  1. This reading letter really made me want to read Uglies because of your descriptions.

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