Lensie F Reading L.

Book: Twisted
Pages: 1-358 (whole book)
I just finished reading the book Twisted. I thought the book was a very interesting, but good book. This book is more of a mystery book, I thought because it seemed like something unexpected was going to happen. I normally don’t read books like this one. While reading the book I realized that books like this that are mystery are very interesting. The book always kept me interested and not bored.
The main character was a boy who graffiti his school one night. He would have not gotten caught, but his wallet fell out of his pocket and then the police found out that it was him. For his punishment he had to do community service work his whole summer instead of having fun and doing what he wanted to do. The book tells how he got through it, did the work he was told to do, and learned his lesson.
I recommend this book to anyone. It’s one of those books that you pick up and you just don’t put down. Many more interesting things happened in this book, but I do not want to spoil the book. I really enjoyed the book, and if you decide to read the book, I hope you like it too!

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