Reading Letter #5- 4th Quarter- Brianna

Distant Waves

A Novel of the Titanic

By Suzanne Weyn

Page 1- the end (page 330)

This book is about a girl named Jane, who travels with her mother and four sisters, Mimi, Emma, Amelie, and Blythe, to Spirit Vale, which is a town full of people who can contact the dead. Emma and Amelie are twins and Amelie does not talk, but can also contact spirits. Emma can speak for Amelie because they connected. Mimi starts to travel all over the world as an assistant of the secretary of the richest man in the world. Mimi is given the opportunity to travel on the Titanic and accepts it. Blythe gets a job as a nanny for someone on the Titanic, so she also gets on. Amelie senses danger and that the Titanic will sink, so Amelie, Emma, and Jane sneak on to stop Blythe and Mimi. They are too late and end up getting on the Titanic for free. Mimi gets married on the ship and Jane meets Thad again and they fall in love. There is a famous inventor named Tesla on the ship and he uses time travel to save someone. To find out who lives, who dies and who Tesla saves you will have to read the book.

This is a very good book. It was sad at some points, but in the end it turns out somewhat okay. While reading this book I had some questions. How did the time travel work? Will Jane and Thad get married? Will Amelie ever speak? Can their mother really contact the spirit world? Can Amelie? I also wondered a lot about what was real and what was not. I liked how the book included fiction and nonfiction characters though. I found it cool that Jane liked to read mysteries because I do too. I also found it interesting that spiritualism was very popular around this time (early 1900s). This book is set up in a cool way. It is all from Jane’s perspective and every time you go to a different place, the chapter heading states the place and date. This made it easy to keep track of where you are in the world. The book also used a lot of really good descriptions. This made it easy to understand the characters feeling and environments they were in. I would definitely recommend reading this book.

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