Student Writing #2- 4th Quarter- Brianna

That Wonderful Night

This is a memory of the Ronald McDonald House volunteer dinner on April 22, 2010.

 I arrive a few minutes early and wait in line to get my name tag. It takes forever to find mine. Where is it? At last they find my nametag and I join the other volunteers to wait for our ride. All of the volunteers are going to be taken to a secret destination where we will have dinner and hang out. While waiting, I talk to a few friends and meet some new friends. Finally everyone is there and we take off. In the car I was riding in there was a lady with a very annoying voice who couldn’t stop talking. I tried to drown this out as I talked to one of my friends. We are driving for along time and finally end up downtown. We made it!

Getting out of the car I realized I have no idea where we are. We went to a place called 425 Downtown. Apparently it is a place that you can rent out for special occasions. This dinner was catered by some company with a very long name. =) We arrive and soon find out that the theme is, “It’s Easy Being Green.” Everyone got to paint on three terracotta pots that will be used at the RMHC house this summer. I drew a penguin and signed my name. After everyone arrived we got in line for food. The food was amazing. There was salad, rolls, potatoes, green beans, and either chicken or fish. There was chocolate cake or strawberry shortcake for dessert. I had the strawberry shortcake, which was very rich. After eating they started to draw for different raffles. There were many different things including, tickets to the Discovery Center, organic papers, bamboo towels, and birdhouses. I ended up winning two tickets to the Discovery Center. Then they started to hand out yearly awards.

Along with volunteers from the Ronald McDonald House there were also Tooth Truck volunteers (the Tooth Truck is a branch of the Ronal McDonald House Charities). They started with Tooth Truck award and then went to Ronald McDonald House awards. The first award was the 2010 Outstanding New Volunteer. When they started reading the description of the person I thought, “Wow, they are a lot like me.” I soon realized that this person was 99.9% me. Then when they said my name I was 100% sure. I was very excited to receive this award. I had no idea that I would get the award. After getting my picture taken with the award, I returned to my seat and was congratulated by many people. After the rest of the awards we all watched a short movie and then a few more door prizes were given away. Finally they gave out awards for number of hours completed. Many of my RMHC friends received these awards, which made me happy for them. Everyone received a rose and a goodie bag. The bag was a reusable shopping bag and a Norway pine tree to plant later. I recently planted this tree and it is very cute. This was a great night I will always remember.

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