Africa The Market-final

Two years ago I went to Africa. The first thing I did when I got out of the airport was meet my guide and get on the bus.  I was on this bus for an hour before we arrived at my first resort. The next day I went to a market on the bus.  When I got off the bus there was a vague rotten smell coming from the market.  As I entered the market I looked to my left and saw some fish that had their heads and tails chopped off as well as being sliced down the middle.

When I turned to my right there was a basket full of dried salted anchovies.  As I moved from booth to booth the smell grew even stronger.Then I finally came to a booth with rotting maggot filled cow meat up for sale and the smell was at its strongest. I almost sprinted away from the disgusting scene when I had seen too much. That booth still haunts me to this day, and will probably haunt me forever.

2 thoughts on “Africa The Market-final

  1. I liked your story wish there was more detail. i like how you told us how the market smelled!
    Good job over all!

  2. Mark,
    I agree with Eliza about the smells. Yuck! Really good details that help readers see and smell this place. I’m wondering who was with you on this trip? Did you go alone or with family? Where in Africa was this? Did you go on any other trips where the smells were good? What made you go to Africa? I think those smells would haunt me too!

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