Reading Letter 3


Roland Smith

Pages 11- 102=  91 pages

So far this is a pretty good book.  It is about a boy who’s dad is obsessed with Sasquatch ever since he saw it.  He has been going to B.F.I (Bigfoot Inernational) meetings for a while and is about to go on a search for Sasquatch.  Dylan is the boy.  He’s dad is going on this mission to keep the Sasquatch safe.  A couple days before they left Mount Saint Helens, the area they first saw the Sasquatch, smoke began to come out but no complete eruption.  The mission was not postponed and they left before the disaster team could block the way to the mountain.

I really don’t know what will happen next.  I hope the book will get better.  I am more than half way through the book and they haven’t even gone to the mountain yet.  I wonder if Dylan will sneek out of the house and follow them to the mountain.  If I was Dylan I would kind of feel embarrassed because my dad was searching for a Sasquatch.  If he was not a dad than that wouldn’t be that bad but he is an older mature man.  Plus there are all sorts of other crazy people looking for Sasquatch with him.  If he was my dad I would tell him to forget the whole bigfoot thing and live a normal life. 

This book is not one of my favorites but it is still good.  Some people would like this book and others wouldn’t.  I would recommend this book to those people.


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