Reading Letter 3-Qurtr 1-Nikki


Scott Westerfield

Page 83-page 283= 200 pages

In this section of Pretties, Tally and Zane find a letter that Tally wrote to herself, when she was an Ugly, about how the surgeons had put lesions into the Pretties’ brains to make them obedient. With the letter are two pills that are the “cure” to those lesions. They soon find a way to get out of New Pretty Town and find more cures for other Pretties, besides themselves. After jumping out of a hot air balloon, Tally and Zane are separated, trying to find each other while in the forest.

This part of the book was very interesting to me because you didn’t know what was going to happen next. Tally and her best friend, Shay, get into a fight because Tally gave the other pill to Zane, not Shay. Meanwhile, Tally is asked to become one of the Specials, who are the strong and fast authorities who want Tally on their side. Tally declines the offer, which I would not have done! While finding a way to leave town, Tally is still haunted by her and Shay’s fight. Tally had betrayed her once already while they were Uglies, and Shay was mad that she did it again. If I were Shay, I would be very mad at Tally; and I agree with Shay when she says she would never be her friend again. When Tally is just about to escape with Zane and her other friend Perris, she is very disappointed that Perris changes his mind and does not want to come with her. I would also be very disappointed that my friend wouldn’t come with me while I was escaping from the city. After Tally leaves, she stumbles upon a village that believes she is a God. With the help of a man from the village, Tally is off to find Zane because they were separated while escaping.

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