The End of the Gravel Road-Amy Final

I could hear the gravel on the wide country road crack as I took every single step. I saw that the trees above me were tall and magnificent as looked up at the sky. And I saw a flock of birds flying above me. They seemed so graceful and free flying on this beautiful morning. I continued my walk even though I wasn’t for sure where I was headed. The sun started to rise as I kept on going. I walked and walked for what seemed like forever and finally I saw something ahead. There was a small and quiet cottage only a few steps away from me. It was well put together but it seemed as if no one was in that house and no one had been in a long time. I took a couple more steps toward the little house until I was at the first step on to the porch. I didn’t know whether or not I should turn back. I hesitated before I went ahead on to the wooden porch. I knocked on the door to see if any one was there. No one answered so I stepped inside.
This old, abandoned house was nicer inside then I thought it would be until I saw a torn and broken piano in what looked like the main room. What had happened to the piano? But it wasn’t just the piano. Everything in that house was broken or ripped apart. I was confused and I didn’t know what to do. I was curious about what had happened so I went in to the kitchen. The kitchen was old and like everything else it had broken cabinets and chipped dishes and mugs. I felt something on my feet what was it? Water. The water rose, all the way up to my knees. How did this happen, I looked up from my feet. All I saw was the shadow of a large figure in the hallway.
I rushed out of the kitchen as fast as possible. I kept running and running and running……but I got nowhere. I was being pulled back in to this house or at least that is what I thought. This person was pulling me away deep in to the darkness of the woods.

2 thoughts on “The End of the Gravel Road-Amy Final

  1. WOW! Your writing suspense! I really what to know what will happen to your charecter.
    – Annika

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