Deep, Dark, and Dangerous Hannah Ledesma Reading Letter 6

Deep, Dark, and Dangerous
By: Mary Downing Hahn
Pages 1-187=187

Ali’s mom can’t learn to let go. Each time Ali attempts to do something a normal teen would do, her mom is always there to find a way to say no. But when Ali’s aunt, Dulcie, offers her a stay at her lake cottage to look over her 4 year-old daughter, Emma, while she works on painting in her studio at the cottage, Ali jumps at the opportunity. It takes a long time to convince her mother to let her go to a cottage in Maine. This cottage comes with a spooky background, a picture taken of her mother, aunt, and some girl at the cottage bring great wonder to Ali. It’s a mystery who the girl is in the picture. And when Ali and Emma meet a crud, greedy, mean girl named Sissy, se might solve their question.

I always wonder why Ali and Emma were nice to Sissy. Sissy was very mean, she even one time tried to drown Emma as a joke. At first, she just seemed like a lonely girl that just wanted friends. But then when they see her true side of evil, they start to repel her. Sissy would always influence 4 year-old Emma to do bad things. Sissy always wore the same bathing suit everyday. She never talked about her family. And never showed them where she lived. She would appear and disappear right in front of their eyes. She had light skin, and always looked cold. She would love to talk about a murder that happened on that beach in Maine. This might have been the key to the question Ali always asked. Sissy was a very mean girl, but at the end, you kind of feel bad for her.

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