Reading Letter 6 Q2-Abby Flanders

My Sisters Keeper
Jodi Piccoult
p 264-p 351
Since there are so many perspectives in this book, as it switches from person to person, this might get a little confusing. Jesse’s father, the firefighter, finds out he is behind the fires. He realizes that Jesse may look bad from the outside, but on the inside he is just as damaged and vulnerable as Kate. The hearings start and Brian decides not to take Anna’s side anymore. Anna is very confused and is scared she might have to take the stand in court, but at this point is sure she wants to go through with this.

This is hands down my favorite book ever. So far i would suggest it to anyone and everyone. In a way it shows that there is always someone worse off than you and even if theres not theres a reason for it. Just like a story one thing leads up to another and thats how it works out.”When you don’t know where your headed, you find places no one else would ever think to explore.” this is my favorite part in the book because it almost tells the story in everyones perspective. No one knows where Kate’s life is headed and most people didn’t even think she would even make it this far. But along the way they explored so many ways to help her that no one else even thought of. They didn’t give up even when they thought that would be better. And they did it as a family.

4 thoughts on “Reading Letter 6 Q2-Abby Flanders

  1. Abby,
    Great job! I loved reading this. You made me want to read it and I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about it! You gave enough detail, but not too much that you gave away everything that happened. I’m glad you enjoyed the book, and I think I might just read it myself!

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