Reading Letter 3 Q3 -Amy

Thirteen Days to Midnight

page 140-185

In this section of my book, The three kids start to use their powers more an more often than usual. Someone will find out soon.

Milo asks Jacob for the power to fight off on of his enemies. But, after Milo almost kills him he regrets ever having the power. I have done things like this in someways. Not almost killing someone, but regretting something I did. Milo and Oh text Jacob saying that he needs to give the power to a girl who was lost in the ocean. When she is lost in the ocean after parasailing everyone thinks she is dead. The coast guard safely pulls her out. The only way she could of lived would have been because of the power Jacob gave her. I hope that someday I will save someones life just like they did. Oh wants the power next to be able to save all of the people in her apartment building, which is on fire. I can relate to this because I probably would have wanted to do the same thing. They continue to do life threatening things and are living. I think that they will gt caught because of everything they have done. I hope that in the next part of the book they will learn to keep the power a secret.

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