Reading Letter 4 Q3-Abby

Reading letter 4 Q3
P 358- 460
Breaking Dawn
Stephanie Meyers

In this section Sam’s wolf pack comes to negotiate something with Jacobs new wolf clan. They find out that Sam’s pack doesn’t plan to attack and have re-evaluated the situation. The Cullens, grossly figured out that Bella’s baby is hungry and now Bella has to drink blood. The color has returned to her cheeks and she feels a lot better, but still wont let them be rid of the baby due to Rosalie’s talks with her.
I love this book and it keeps getting better! Wolf-wise I have no clue whats going to happen next. But im almost 100% positive Bella will turn into a vampire after giving birth to her baby because it is still getting stronger. I think another reason I like this book is because sometimes you know what is going to happen and sometimes you don’t. Kind of like how Alice and the wolves only sometimes know what’s going to happen.

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