reading letter 7 by chris m

Roland Smith

IQ: Book two White house

Page 1 to page                                                                                   reading letter by chris m.

How would you feel if you meet the President of the United States of America in your pajamas? At 4:00 am. Then you’re talking about your dead mom! For me the day would not get any worse. But not for Angela. When will Angela break about her mom?


Is Angela sad at all?

Why is the President up at four?

Why did the president want two kids in his office?

What is the president’s name?

Does the President have kids?

Are there “bad guys” in the White House?

Why is the president acting weird?

Why is the Secret Service all ways around the president?

What is up with the President?

Why is the staff acting wired?

5 thoughts on “reading letter 7 by chris m

  1. up at the top you said “pg 1 to pg” and didn’t finish. i wish the reading would be on the same line as the rest. the 4:00 am should be in the same sentence as the rest but your questions are good. my favorite is why would the president be up at 4.

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