The Definitive Book of Body Language-RL7 Q3-Nikki

The Definitive Book of Body Language

Allan and Barbara Pease

Page 265– Page 300

This section of The Definitive Book of Body Language reveals secrets behind mirroring and other gestures.  I learned to read and understand why people of equal status will mirror each other’s body language. The Definitive Book of Body Language also gives accurate explanations for why people do certain movements.

The Definitive Book of Body Language is a wonderful guide to human body language. It explains how to decipher nonverbal conversations. Allan and Barbara Pease do a great job in explaining why people do certain gestures. I enjoyed this section because it reveals that people with equal status will mirror each other’s body language to show equality. It is great to now be able to see who is dominant or equal when people are in conversation. I recommend this book to anyone that wants to know what people are really thinking. The Definitive Book of Body Language is a wonderful recourse for anyone that wants to reveal someone’s true intentions. It teaches the reader how to interpret different types of body language and covers a wide range of nonverbal behaviors such as eye signals to leg positions.

4 thoughts on “The Definitive Book of Body Language-RL7 Q3-Nikki

  1. This book looks really interesting. You did a great job with explaining the book. Can’t wait to read it!!

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