Reading Letter #1 q4 Nick Gerasimchuk

Book Number of Stars

Author Lois Loury

pages read 1-12

Summary This one girl by the name of Ellen lives in Copenhagen Denmark. With her friend Annemarie she loves to run and one day they were going to school running, because Annemarie does track and needs a practice partner so Ellen was hers. They were confronted by 2 Nazi soldiers with rifles from Heidelberg Germany. They told them to stop running and walk like depressed normal people they said ok. They asked some questions like are you good students? do you have a smaller sister?etc. She did have a smaller sister who didnt catch up with them when they were running she looked cute and it reminded the soldiers about their cute 6 year old daughters’. They came home and they told their parents everything. Their parents often came over for tea talks.They said to them selfs that the 6 year old daughters of the Nazi troops should call their daddy home and get rid of them.

Reflection: If I lived in a area with occupied troops I would trick them into going home.

2 thoughts on “Reading Letter #1 q4 Nick Gerasimchuk

  1. Nick,
    Your reflection should be the longest part of your reading letter. Do you think these characters are believable? What makes you interested in them? Why do you say you would trick the troops into going away? Is that realistic? What do you think will happen to these girls?

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