reading letter 9 by chris m.

Anne Frank Remembered

By Miep Gies

Page 0 to page 138                                                       reading letter by Chris m.

It was dangerous during the Holocausts to help a Jew in Holland, and Meip knew that. Even though it was illegal she still help her boss’s family. Otto Frank was her boss, his wife was Edith Frank, they had two children Margret and Anne Frank. When they went into hiding three other people came in one month later. Van Daan family came in, and then three months later a Jewish dentist came. Their hiding spot was a small attic. So imagine hiding in a small attic with six other people. Horrible right.

What’s going to happen if they are caught?

Why are the Germans doing this?

What is happing in the labor camps?

Why are they making laws so Jews can’t have homes?

What will happen to Miep Gies if she is caught?

Are the Germans killing tons of Jews in these labor camps?

              Where is Miep getting money to buy food for the refuges?

               Why are the Germans taking food from Holland?

               Why is Hitler taking over all of Europe and Asia?

               What would have happened if Hitler won World War II?

               Will anyone else come into the safe place?

               Why would anyone does this to people?

One thought on “reading letter 9 by chris m.

  1. Other that I wish the Chris and the m. were one the same line and the m was capitalized it was good. I didn’t find any mistakes but I’m not good at revising.

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