Reading Letter 2 Q4- Amy

Biography of Anne Frank

page 60-120

Kem Knapp Sawyer

This week I finished reading a biography on Anne Frank. This part talked about her and her family being arrested and sent to a concentration camp.

I think that the second half of the book was a lot more interesting. I thought it talked more about the Holocaust and concentration camps. When I had learned about Anne Frank I learned that she and her family ended up die ing. But, when I read the book I figured out that everyone in her family died except for her father, Otto. He was the person who found Anne’s diary after she died. Otto returns home after his time at concentration camp hoping for his daughters to return. Once he finds out Margot and Anne are dead he doesn’t even know what to think because he is so sad. I have never been in this situation but I think I would have reacted the same way he did. I’m really glad I got to read this book. I think that this has helped my understanding of the Holocaust.

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