Reading Letter 6 Q4- Amy

Pretty Little Liars- Unbelievable
Pages 1- 335
Sara Shepard

This week I read The 4th book of Pretty Little Liars, Unbelievable. In this book you find out who the person stalking them is. You find out how she found out all their secrets and why she did it.

I had already known who A was from a video. But, the way that the author wrote it made the characters figuring it out a surprise. All of the girls had different ideas who A was and I think that made the book more interesting than just making it obvious who it was. Hanna gets hit by a car before she could tell her friends who A was. A hit her. I really liked how Sara Shepard had Mona( A) start to plan parties for Hanna’s recovery and act like she didn’t know what was going on. Emily gets sent to Iowa and it changes the story in a really big way. But, she comes back within two days. I thought that she should have stayed longer or had a bigger issue than Emily just leaving. There are four more books in the series. I cannot wait to find out who killed her and why they did. I recommend these books to anyone who likes a mystery with a great twist.

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