What is digital writing?

What do I really think about digital writing? Well, I am convinced it’s the future. Why be stuck with a pencil and paper? There’s so muchdigital technology can do to help us communicate. I thinkback to the days of manual typewriters. How I hated to use those. Then came the electric typewriter which was so much more efficient and easy to use. I still found myself writing everything first by hand, then typing it out. Now though, I finally have found myself actually composing on my iPad. I don’t know if it’s changing my thinking processes as some people insist, but it does make it much easier to share ideas, and more with the world. Maybe the world could care less about them, but I sure as heck can share them.

I find myself thinking more in terms of image and sound as well as with words. This really takes me back since some of my earliest memories of writing and thinking were so visually oriented. I see the movie in my head of what I want to write. Now I just need to find the right image to go with it.


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