
The wedding cake in the middle of the road 

          It was only thirty minutes after when my wedding was supposed to be, but my best friend and I were driving down a highway to get as far away as possible. We stole the cake and were just driving as far as we could. Only 35 minutes ago my finance left me at the altar for his secretary. I thought that we were meant to be together but, turns out he has been cheating on me for 2 years. In the back of my Jeep the giant white wedding cake was waiting to be eaten, but instead, it was going to be smashed. We found a side road and drove about a fourth of a mile and set the cake in the middle of the road. We stood there just watching as the cake lay in the middle of the empty road. On the top of the cake stood two figurines of my ex-fiancé and me, surrounded by many pink roses down the sides there are green vines and white pearls. I sit down and start to cry, wondering where I went wrong, and when things started to fall apart.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ava came over and sat next to me and said, “This is not your fault and you could have never seen it coming.” Before we wrecked the cake, we each took a bite of it then we grabbed a hammer that I found it the back of my car and smashed the cake. There was splattered cake everywhere it was on us, and on trees and plants on the car and on the road. We took off are clothes and because they were covered in cake and threw them in the trunk.                                        Ava spotted a river and said, “We should go and swim.” We walked over and got in we stayed till it got dark and headed back to the car to find that it was not there.                                                                                                                                    We had all our stuff in there including our phones, wallets, and our clothes. We just stood there in are wet underwear. Luckily, I knew where my house was from here, but unfortunately, it was 18 miles away. We waited till it was pitch black until we started to walk home so no cars would see us. We began the long walk home, the air started to chill, and the birds stopped chirping, the only sound was the leaves crunching beneath are feat and the occasional owl hoot. We had no way of knowing but we guessed we had walked five miles, every once in a while we would see a car or two passes by, and we would run and hide behind the nearest bush. It had been another 5 miles and it started to rain, we moved closer to the trees to stay dry, but the smell of the wet earth was growing stronger. In only a few hours the sun would rise, and we would have nowhere to hide. Another 5 miles had passed, the sky was getting lighter and the rain had passed. I realized we only had another 3 miles left and if we ran, we might make it back before it gets bright out and some could easily spot us. We were both exhausted and cold so we could not run so we continued to walk. In about a mile a car passed us and when we were about to hide, we realized it was our friend Abby. We got in the car and explained the whole story to her while she drove us back to our houses. 

One thought on “Writing

  1. Who took the Jeep? Were they followed? Will there be more?? Great details. Break this up into paragraphs please.

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