Free write

Free Write Fly Fishing

Braden Nicholson



One of my favorite things to do in the summer is go fly fishing. When I went to Yellowstone National Park, I was most excited about fly fishing because I’ve never caught a cutthroat trout before. I went with the Guide named Matt and he taught me how to nymphs for whitefish. I nymph using a bobber that is attached to three or two nymphs and I caste it upper river and when it floats past me and the line tightens up I cast it up again and wait till a fish bites. It was a very effective way to catch mountain whitefish and is how I caught my first mountain whitefish.  Then two days later I tried fishing in the park on my own with a grasshopper. Grasshoppers are made out of foam and other material used to make flies. How I used the grasshoppers I casted it upriver and it sits on top of the water and the fish bites, I set the hook up words if the fish don’t bite, I wait till floats past me and then I cast it up River. I caught my first cutthroat on a grasshopper.

One of my favorite spots to fly fish in the Ozarks is Bull Creek. My grandpa’s cousin owns a 900-acre ranch and bull Creek runs straight through it. Bull creek is filled with sunfish, long ear sunfish, gogle eye bass, and smallmouth bass. It also has a couple rainbow trout.

One thought on “Free write

  1. Love the detail in this. I’ve never tried fly fishing. It looks really difficult!! Good detail about the lures used. See me about a few grammatical things, please.

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