Reading Letter 2

Enzo Cricchio


Hello Ms. Gibson 

Title: Congo 

Author: Michael Crighton
Page 7-86


A team of researchers and scientists working for a company called ERTS in the Congo jungle are suddenly and brutaly attacked by an unknown source. The last few seconds of the attack were caught on camera and sent back to ERTS headquarters in Houston, Texas. There a team of people begin breaking down the tape to see what went wrong. Karen Ross, one of the people in charge of finding what went wrong discovers that it was a gorilla that caused the attack. Eager to prove herself in the field, she organizes a team to go back into the jungle. She gets in contact with a primate researcher in charge of a project that taught gorillas sign language in hopes that it could give the team an advantage. 


I liked how descriptive the author was when talking about setting, backstory, and describing the characters. The book involves computers a lot and takes place in the summer of 1979 when technology was vastly different then today. If the author had not gone into detail about the specifics of how the computers worked it would be very confusing to read in the year 2020. Backstory was also important since the plot and choices made by characters were largely based around the legends and tales involving the Congo. The author goes into great detail when discussing these topics which overall makes the story easier and more enjoyable to read. It is also obvious that the author took time to develop the characters, making them each very unique. 




One thought on “Reading Letter 2

  1. Hey Enzo,
    I liked this story. I thought it was a really interesting idea to bring in the scientist who teaches the gorilla the sign language. They even made this into a movie, but it wasn’t as good as the book.

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