Jacob Nave Memoir

 A time when I was perfectly happy was when I went to the big island of hawaii. It was my fourth or fifth time there, but I appreciated it more because I was older then. I remember the long, five hour plane ride from Sacramento to Honolulu with almost nothing to do. When i got off the plane, i remember feeling that humid tropical air. This time I enjoyed it much more than on previous visits. I knew more, I understood more, and above all else, I had grown to love the tropics.


     We waited an hour in that airport until our connecting flight to the big island arrived. We flew over a few of the other islands and landed outside of forty five minutes. The airport was open to the outside and had all sorts of birds coming and going. The humid air felt amazing and there was a calm warm breeze. We had to wait about fifteen minutes for the rental car shuttle and when we got to the car terminal, we had to wait another fifteen minutes to get the car.  After that, we drove along the coast to our hotel. Our hotel was the Hapuna Beach Prince resort which had access to the only beach in the area.



     The next day, we drove to Hilo, on the other side of the island. It was infested with mosquitos and we couldn’t stay outside for too long at all. THe rest is Kind of blurry, i just remember feeling calm and peaceful sitting on the beach watching the sunset


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