Reading Letter

Devin Sanford


Tom Sawyer

Chapter 22-24


Dear Ms. Gibson


In chapter 22, on the last day of school everyone in town comes to see the students perform. The students perform different things from dancing, to poetry and singing. The students also get revenge on Mr. Dobbins by painting his head gold and steal his wig. Tom also gets measles and Muff Potter has his murder trial.

A part of these chapters I did not like was that chapter 2 was uneventful minus the part when the students stole Mr. Dobbins’ wig. Chapter 23 and 24 were far much more exciting then 22. It talked about Tom waiting for summer and then when it came, it was boring, I could kind of relate to that because I was bored for a little bit of the summer, but the rest was good for the most part.




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