tom sawyer reading letter

Joaquin Parada

November 2, 2020


Greetings Mrs. Gibson

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain

Book page: up to chapter 7



Tom is a smart kid that is always getting in trouble. He wants to play but has to whitewash the fence, so he tricks some other kids to pay him to whitewash the fence. He also finds a beautiful girl that he falls in love with at first sight. To sit by her he accepts the punishment given because he talked with Huckleberry Finn.


Tom is a very smart kid even though he refuses to learn things at school. When he was forced to whitewash the fence, he found a very intuitive and intelligent solution. He pretended that whitewashing the fence was very important work that only he could do and so he made everyone else jealous and made them want to whitewash the fence. He got them to pay him so that they could do his work for him which is a showing of how smart he can be if he has the motivation. There is also the time when he purposefully got himself in trouble by telling the schoolmaster that he talked with huck so that he could sit with Becky.

One thought on “tom sawyer reading letter

  1. Hey Joaquin,
    Yes, he can be pretty smart, at times. Other times it almost seems like he is the dumbest person around. Maybe it’s just his love for Becky messing with his head!

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