tom syare

Steven Duran


Mrs. gibson 

3rd period 


The reason that Jo was an important charter was because he was scaring the boys for most of the book he was killed in the rightful way of starvation. He had killed almost 7 people. He was the villain of the story when he killed the doctor and blamed it on his so called friend 


Tom and huck were good friends. They made a bloud deal to never tell what they saw but Tom knews deep down that they needed to put the main threat in jail no matter how dangerous. Tom was scared to say anything but when it came time to have muff potter hung for the mureder he new he had to help a innocent man  


Jo was a bad man who was a thef a murder but we dont know what had happend to him befor in his chiodhod it is common for a crimanol to be abused by a parent that takes a toll on kids but he should still be punished for his crimes. He might have killed his acstoiot the raggedy man.  

One thought on “tom syare

  1. Interesting argument. You need to include quotes from the book to back up what you say next time.

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