Reading Letter Q3

Sophia Sechler


Hello Ms. Gibson,

The Secret Tree

Natalie Standiford


       At the beginning of the book, the main character “Minty Fresh” which is her rollerskating name is a fifth-grader. Minty Fresh and her best friend Paz are planning to be in the fourth of July parade and to show off their rollerskating skills. When finishing up their practice two boys on bikes spray them with Hawaiian Punch in their water guns. Minty Fresh sees something moving in the woods and chases after it, she has to turn back because it is getting dark. Paz informs her about a monster that is half-man half-bat who is seven feet tall.

 I loved the part of the book when it explained when and where Paz and Minty fresh met and also where Paz moved from. I like how the author explained how Paz and her younger sister Tillie argued in a detailed way. This book is similar to the books I have read because it is full of mystery and suspense when reading it. This connects to my life because I like to adventure in the woods like Minty Fresh did. I wonder if Paz and Minty Fresh will be able to participate in the Fourth of July Parade. I don’t understand why the author did not introduce the characters with their real name instead of their skating names. The cover and title makes me want to read this book because the picture is a tree that has a note on it which makes me intrigued


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