Reading Letter 1- Kelley

Book: The Arcanum

Author: Thomas Wheeler

Pages: 172/325

This book is a murder mystery about Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes books. The murder is of a man called Duvall who was possibly killed for a book, that book is the Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch supposedly contains access to some kind of power. Arthur Conan Doyle goes to America to see a person named Lovecraft. When he gets there, Doyle is informed that Lovecraft has been put into an asylum for being a murder suspect. Doyle gets Harry Houdini (Houdini is Lovecraft’s friend) to help break Lovecraft out. Now this group called The Arcanum is re-formed and they are all trying to find out who killed Duvall, the old Arcanum leader.

So far I have found this book really interesting and am eager to keep reading. At some points I find the book really boring, but then other times it is really interesting. I don’t understand why Doyle is so sure that Duvall was killed for the Book of Enoch because he interviewed the people that accidently ran into him in a car, thus killing him. But I also kind of agree that he may have been killed for the book, one because if he wasn’t killed for the Book of Enoch, this book would have a kind of lame end to it, and two because after Duvall died the book did go missing. I haven’t quite predicted what will happen yet. I really like this author’s writing style and would recommend this book to anyone who likes murder mysteries.

2 thoughts on “Reading Letter 1- Kelley

  1. Kelley- Great Reading letter! I like your word chocie. I found no spelling errors!

  2. Hey Kelley, great reading letter it kept me interested in the book can’t what to hear what happens next.

    Kodi J.

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