Reading Letter 4- Nikki

Top Ten uses for an Unworn Prom Dress

Tina Ferraro


   I juts finished the book, Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom dress. It seemed like one of those 4th grade books, that is a little cheezy at first, but when I started reading it, I realized it wasnt one of those type of books and it actually had a good plot! The ending was really good. okay so this is what happened…. Nicki and Allison had stopped talking and she didn’t understand why. She called and recieved no answer. So one night she called Jared, but she didn’t know why. So when it came to the voicemail, she just said she was seeing what he was up to. Next thing she knew, Jared was throwing rocks at her window. She opened it up and asked what he was doing. He said he could tell something was wrong and to come down. She ran down and walked outside. He asked why she called and she just said she needed a friend. Soon they started kissing and he than asked her to Homecoming. He said he has liked her for a long time, but he never realized it until He started to get Jealous with other guys. They kissed and she went back to bed, happy she could now wear her dress. But there wasa problem… Allison. She didnt approve of her and Jared, as well as the friend problems. So Nicki went to Allisons house, where jared lived too. Allison and her resolved there friend issue. but thats all. Allison was about to get in the shower and Jared said hey to Nicki and they started kissing and Allison walked out and saw. They got in a fight and Nicki agreed to not do anything with Jared to keep there friendship. Allison was satisfied and got in the shower and Nicki cried on Jareds shoulder. Allisonp came out and said she was being a bad friend and in the end, they all went to Homecoming and were friends. Nicki decided to give her dress to charity and thought itd be better for everyone. 


I really liked this book, especially the ending about how she donated her dress, because through out the whole book, All she wanted was to wear the dress and feel like a princess and never give it away, but than she realized there are some girls that need the dress more that can not afford dresses for prom or homecoming. I also liked how Jared and her became a couple and all problems were resolved. Good book and I would reccomend it to other girls who like stories where the endings are always happy. 

please comment! thanks



One thought on “Reading Letter 4- Nikki

  1. Hey Nikki! I thought that you did a good job. I think that this book sounds really good and you made me want to read it. Also I didn’t find any spelling or grammer errors. But I think that you should put a little bit more about how you felt about the book and questions that you had. Anyway Great Job!-Maddie

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