Reading Letter 7- quarter 1- Nikki

The Other Girl

Sarah Miller


I have been reading the book, The Other Girl. I really like this book, but it is a little sexual and beyond my age. Molly is dating Gid and can read his mind, which makes everything easier for him, so she can make him happy and keep him in her life. She thought she was in love with him and thought the same thing back. But the problem is a girl that goes to school with them named Pilar is the prettiest girl in the school and wants gideon as her own. She flirts with him and does things to make him know she is still there for her when he needs her. Molly is very jealous, especially since she knows Gid and Pilar have a past together. I am not very far, but I am anxious to see what happens with Gid and Pilar, or maybe Pilar and molly!

I do not think that Gid and Molly will break up, but I think Pilar wil try to break them up, because she comes off as the type of person who is controlling and gets what she wants, no matter what she has to do. I am going through this book pretty fast. But i also have many thoughts on it as well. Such as, when did Gid and Pilar have a past together? Is Molly and Gid suppose to be together forever? Will Gid find out Molly can read his mind? Is Gid stupid? why would Molly date gid IF HE WERE TO BE STUPID when she is so intelligent? and so forth.

please comment. thanks!

One thought on “Reading Letter 7- quarter 1- Nikki

  1. Good reading Letter!!!!!!!! You added just enough detail and this sounds like a really good book so far! You also had good grammar and punctuation.

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