Reading letter 2- Christina

Gym Candy

Carl Deuker


I am reading the book Gym Candy. So far the book is about a boy named Mick Johnson and he loves football. His dad once played pro witch is one of the reasons Mick loves the game. He wants to become pro and be the best of best running back. The only thing though that bothers him is that he started school a year later then everyone else so he plays foot ball with kids a year younger then him.

I am reading the book Gym Candy. I have chosen to read this book because it is written by the same author that wrote the last book I read. I think this book is going to be good. I can’t really tell if it is going to be good by the first 26 pages but its in the same writing style my last book was in.

3 thoughts on “Reading letter 2- Christina

  1. Christina,
    You had a good reading letter and it had a lot of detail, but try to make it a little longer next time. Good job overall though.

  2. Christina,
    You wrote a good summary of this book, but you need to reflect on the book more. What makes you think this book is going to be good? What is the writing style that the author used? Describe your thoughts more next time.
    Anna M.

  3. Christina,
    Good reading letter. I did not find any spelling mistakes. The only part you could fix is when you said The only thing though that bothers him is that he started school a year later then everyone else so he plays foot ball with kids a year younger than him, wouldnt he be playing football with kids a year older then if he started school a year later? Also next time make your reading letter a little bit longer, besides that good work!

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