Reading Letter #3- Qtr 2-Kelsey

Three Cups of Tea

By Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

Im am going to start the book Three Cups of Tea. My uncle, grandma and mom read it and they said it was phenomenal. They way my mom explained it, she said that it was very inspiring and I love inspiring books. It is also a true story which makes it even more inspiring. I have read the first chapter and it talks about a mountaineer names Greg Mortenson who failed to climb K2. He has drifted into an impoverished Pakistan village in the Karakoram mountains. My grandma hinted me a little on what happens further in the book and she said that the man, Greg was moved by the peoples kindness that he met in Pakistan and so in return he wanted to build them a school. I was also reading the back of the book and it gives away that over the next 10 years, Greg built not one but 55 schools in the terrain that gave birth to the Taliban! I cant wait to read on and learn about his adventure and about the “power of the humanitarian spirit”.

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