Reading Letter #2- 3rd Quarter-Brianna

The Diamond of Drury Lane

By Julia Golding

Page 1 -210 out of 419


            This book is about a girl named Catherine Royal, but everyone calls her Cat. She lives in a theater and has lived there her whole life. Cat recently finds out about a diamond hidden in the theater. She accidentally finds out about this and is sworn to secrecy. She only tells one person, Pedro. He is an African American boy that plays the violin at the theatre and is new to the whole show business thing. Somehow a local gang finds out about the diamond and question Cat. I left off right after she escaped from their questioning.


            This book is pretty good. It is hard to understand sometimes because of the language. Or example all ‘h’ are replaced by an ’.  ‘E been hurt. Instead of He’s been hurt. It took awhile to get use to, but now I’ve got it. I have few questions about what I read and what might happen. Why did she tell Pedro? Where is the diamond? Is there really a diamond? Why do others want it? Who told them? I hope my questions are answered in the rest of the book. Something that took me by surprise is that the book takes place in 1790. I didn’t picture it that long ago. It is also interesting how big the theatre was back then. I would recommend this book to a friend.

One thought on “Reading Letter #2- 3rd Quarter-Brianna

  1. Brianna,
    This is a great reading letter. I can tell you put lots of thought and time into it. I do have one question though. Why is the book written in a weird language? I there a reason that the “h” is replaced with a ‘? Great job!
    Anna M.

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