Reading Letter #6- quarter 3- Anna t

The Last Song
Nicholas Sparks

I read the book, The Last Song, by Nicholas Sparks. It is by far the best book I have ever read. It’s about a girl named Ronnie who had to go to her dad’s house in North Carolina for the summer. She is not happy about going since she has not talked to her dad in 3 years. He left her mom when Ronnie was young and she has ignored all of his attempts to reconnect. The story is very long and complex to explain. Ronnie ends up falling in love with Will Blakalee. Who is a very very very attractive guy who lives in the same town Ronnie’s father lives in. They are inseparable throughout the whole summer. At the end of the summer, Will is going to Vanderbilt, while Ronnie will have to go back to New York. Something happens in Ronnie’s family and she ends up staying in North Carolina until November. When Ronnie was younger, her dad taught her to play the piano. She played at Carnegie Hall. She stopped playing when her dad left and hasn’t played since. After she returned to New York, she went to Julliard and auditioned for a spot at their school. They had always wanted her to attend Julliard, and she finally made the decision to go. This was only a short summary of the book.

I loved The Last Song, because the plot was very original and I had never read any other book like it. The characters stood out and they each had individual personalities, I felt like I knew each character personally. There was a very sad part in the book and the way Nicholas Sparks wrote that portion in the story was very heartfelt. You could sense the real emotion of each person by just reading the words on the pages. In the beginning, the book was a little hard to understand, but as I kept reading, it became easier and easier to read. I would DEFINITELY recommend this book to anyone! It’s a great story, and I can’t wait to see the movie!!

One thought on “Reading Letter #6- quarter 3- Anna t

  1. Anna,

    This is a very good reading letter. There was barely any errors and you did everything needed. Job well done!


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