Reading Letter 3-Nick Qtr 3

Hunger Games 

Suzanne Collins


This book was so good I hardly put it down. And after I was done with the book I was kinda depressed but then I found out that the third book is coming out october eleventh 2010. The author does such a good job with everything she does. She really seems to know how to write about the future, but she brings another side to the future, not like a depressing side but a more realistic aroma to what the future might bring. The book also puts a realistic picture in your mind about what the book is about and how everything looks and feels and smells. She also does a good job of describing how the characters feel and you almost begin to pity them. Collins really did a masterpiece in my mind, this really was a fantastic book.


5 thoughts on “Reading Letter 3-Nick Qtr 3

  1. Nick,
    I guess I was wrong on the last comment. Maybe I would like this book. I like how you talk about your opinion in this book instead of just one long summary, that’s something I need to get better at. Good job overall Nick.


  2. Great job. Awesome job on spelling and grammar. you explained this book very well.

  3. Nick-

    This was a very interesting book report. You used very descriptive words but you didn’t tell what the book is actually about. It was more like you were telling about how the author writes then what you felt about the book. Next time, explain the story more.

    – Anna T

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