reading letter 1 nick.s

I have been reading the book Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedes the front man for the red hot chili peppers. This has to be the most interesting life i have ever read or even imagined by the time he was tweleve he had done cocaine. This story is basicly how the band came to me but is mainly a diary. This kid had one crazy life his dad was the biggest coke dealer in hollywood. This had a giant impact on his life such as him being in the club scene when he was thirteen and him doing “China white heroin” at the age of 14.
This has to be the most interesting book I have ever read in my entire life. I wouldn’t recomend this to anyone who is appa;ed at some of these things im talking about. This book has detailed sexual experinces and things that aren’t so pleasent about his crazy drug addictions. I find this book truly phenominal.

One thought on “reading letter 1 nick.s

  1. Nick, the overall reading letter was good. I think you could add more to the summary and maybe organize it more but good job!

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