Student Writing #3- Steven

The Gentle Giant

Once upon a time there was a kid named Caleb. He was just a average kid, living in a average house, in a average town, but something very not average would happen to him. It all started when he got a tour of the San Francisco Giants clubhouse when he accidentally feel into Barry Bonds’ locker. But what Caleb didn’t know was that Barry Bonds toke steroids and Caleb got injected on accident. Then, in the next three to four hours Caleb grew from four foot five to 10 foot 6 and went from eighty pounds to 360 pounds. When he came back to school the kids were wondering who he was. They were kind of scared. But when they saw it was Caleb they recognized him and started playing basketball. Now you know how Caleb became the Gentle Giant.

One thought on “Student Writing #3- Steven

  1. Steven,
    This is hilarious, and so true! Although I would really like t hear more about the story. I felt it could use more thought and detail, so I would edit this by expanding into more of a climax and conclusion or developing a stronger plot.



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