Riley- Reading Letter #5

Last week my mom suggested a book called, The Shack, by WM Paul Young. I continued to read it this week and it is very fascinating. It’s a religious based story. Though it’s religious it’s quite comic mainly because God is pursued as a black woman. I read the first 32 pages of this story and what the book is about so far is a man named Mac and his daughter gets kidnapped while on a family camping trip. Mac receives an anonymous letter supposedly from god in the mail that says to come to this Shack out in the middle of nowhere. When Mac arrives at the Shack while attempting to find his lost daughter who was captured by a cereal killer, he finds his daughters dead body outside the Shack. This part became a very emotional part in the book, and when he stepped inside to find this man who killed his daughter, angry and hurt, does he find God. Theoretically it was a black woman in the room. She helped Mac cope with his loss religiously and mentally, and since this is so far what I read i come to the conclusion that it is a very philosophical and religious book.

Quirky enough, like any other reader I wonder what the author was thinking when he decided to base God off of a black woman as opposed to any other human being. When I found this out it really made me think deeply because maybe the author did this as a segregation impact. Anyone who reads this best-seller, will find that if God created the human race, anyone could be god such as this black woman. You have to think that if God really took the place of a black woman then she created the white man’s race. And for Americans to be so racist as they were very strongly in the past, this creates a human race and religious cycle of life, theoretically and mentally. Do you think the author was racist back in the day and used this book to cope with his actions? This is a very thought provoking book, but what I find interesting is that everytime, even in these times today when a man or woman hear about a black one, the thought of segreageation and racism seems to come about. Even as we speak over the topic you are thinking about it. Is this a bad thing? Am I a bad person for thinking this way? In my personal opinion, this is just a meer thought. A black man would think the same way.

On the other subject, when reading I really put my feet in his position. Here is this black lady who is supposedly god, I just lost my daughter, and shes trying to tell me to calmy talk to her religiously and personally!? You or really I, would just listen, thats how in shock Mac must have been. Can you not just……leave? People will have many different opinions while reading this, racist or not, religious or not, thoughts will provide knowledge. Very interesting…….


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