Reading Letter 3 Q4-Amy

This week I finished ready the second book of pretty little liars. A lot of important things happened in the end. All of the girls went to a charity event and found out that one of them had been on a date with Ali’s killer. The next day the guy they thought killed her committed suicide. I want to know if he really did kill her or not, and why he killed himself.

This book had a lot more happening than the first one. At some points multiple things are happening. Each character is doing totally different things at the same time. This is confusing at times because once you understand one thing another comes up and you have to learn about that. Another confusing thing about the book is that there are constantly having flashbacks from when Alison was alive. Sometimes it’s not clear on when it is a flashback or not. I recommend this book to any who likes a mystery but a romantic story. I haven’t been able to put these books down because I like them so much. I can’t wait to finish the series!

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